Brendan Dornan Eliminated in 12th Place ($19,790)

Level 29 . Ante 60k . Blinds 60k.120k . Entries 11.1879

Jael Lewis opens to 300k under the gun and Brendan Dornan three-bet shoves from the hijack. Action folds back to Lewis and she snap-calls.

Lewis shows Queen of diamondsQueen of clubs and the air leaves Dornan as he tables Jack of heartsJack of spades.

The board runs out 8 of clubs7 of clubs7 of spades5 of heartsKing of hearts for Lewis to remain on top and win the pot. Dornan’ stack is counted to be 2.55 million and Lewis’s to 2.37 million, earning her the double and leaving Frye with just 180k behind.

Two hands later, Dornan is all in from the big blind, Truong three-bets over an open, making it 3.5 million and forcing an open-fold of two tens. Truong tables two kings, and Dornan’s queen-seven is only able to make one pair, ending his tournament run in 12th place.

Jael Lewis – 5,040,000