Jeffrey Frye Eliminated in 10th Place ($25,870)

Jeffrey Frye

Level 29 . Ante 60k . Blinds 60k.120k . Entries 9.1879

Truong Huynh opens to 500,00 on the button and action’s on Jeffrey Frye in the big blind.

Meanwhile, Cord Garcia has 3.7 million in front of him on a King of spades8 of diamonds2 of diamonds8 of hearts5 of diamonds board and

Cord Garcia has a bet of 3.7 million in front of him, putting Eric Chang to a decision for the majority of his chips in a significant pot. Five minutes go by and Garcia calls clock, with Chang’s hand eventually being ruled dead.

“All in,” says Frye a second later. Huynh announces a call.

Frye: King of clubs9 of hearts
Huynh: Ace of clubs3 of clubs

The board runs out 10 of diamonds9 of diamonds6 of heartsAce of spades7 of spades — Frye flops a pair of nines, but Huynh pulls back in front with a pair of aces on the turn and remains there to eliminate Frye in 10th place. With his elimination, the tournament clock stops with 54:02 remaining in Level 30 for the final nine players to take part in their second celebratory bag-n-tag of the tournament.

We will post a final table seat draw and chip counts shortly. Day 3 will begin at 5 p.m. on Tuesday and will be live-streamed on the TCH Live YouTube Channel at 6 p.m.