Flight I – Peterson Bags Top Stack

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 33.410

Nestor Garcia’s Tens hold against Herbert Montalbano – who tried to get 75o through on the Bag-bubble but did not succeed – and Flight I comes to a close with 33 players advancing to Monday’s 2pm labor Day restart.

Jack Peterson – as he’s done since midway through this flight – leads the charge with a 1,573,000 bag. He’s followed by Mitchell Anderson (1,269,000) Balalj Ellur (997,000) Nestor Garcia (914,000) and Matthew Colley (876,000) making up the top five stacks in the room.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab for all Day 2 Qualifiers from this flight.

Here’s all the #19 Flight I Payouts from this flight.