Flight G – Decker Can’t Flush Out Abualfilat

Level 12 . Ante 2.5k . Blinds 1.5k.2.5k Entries 78.290

Marshal Decker opens for 6,000 and Raed Abualfilat jams for 64,500

  •  Decker shows Jack of hearts Jack of diamonds
  •  Abualfileat turns over Ace of spades Queen of hearts

The world-of-action Jack of spades 6 of spades 4 of clubs flop gives Decker a set, while Abualfileat picks up a backdoor flush draw.

Decker remains in front on the 8 of spades turn, the draw in play for Abualfileat.

River King of spades and Abualfileat is not leaving yet, he doubles with the nut flush.