Flight E – Fishberg Cracks Kings

Flight E Level 15 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 36.174

There’s an open from Peter Lockwood, a raise to 27,000 from Greg Fishberg, a 4-bet to 80,000 from Robert Deupree, Lockwood undershoves for 52,000, then Fishberg calls the 80k so we can move to a flop.

  • No side action on the 2 of spades Jack of hearts Queen of hearts flop, the dealer flips up a 9 of hearts turn and Fishberg moves in for 135,000. Deupree debates calling from his 190,000 stack, but opts to retain his betting units.
  • Lockwood shows King of clubsKing of diamondsKing of diamonds for an overpair
  • Fishberg shows Queen of clubsQueen of spades that was drawing to two outs postflop, only to get there on the turn

River is 5 of spades, eliminating Lockwood, Fishberg moving to 360,000