Flight D – Newcombe Doubles Through Michaeli

Flight D Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 37,105

Matthew Newcombe opens for 5,000, Kamoru Yusuf joins, then Eden Michaeli rather colorfully, excitedly, announces a raise to 30,000 while rapidly sliding his cards back-and-forth across the felt as though he’s trying to rub the face off of them – or light a fire.

The blinds fold, Newcombe moves in to 48,000, Yusuf shrugs and mucks, Michaeli calls while announcing he’s ahead.

  • Newcombe shows Queen of spades Queen of clubs
  • Michaeli shows Ace of hearts Queen of diamonds and rapidly changes his tune about his hand advantage

“Ace,” calls Michaeli, the dealer fans 5 of diamonds 9 of hearts 7 of spades

“Ace,” calls Michaeli, the dealer offers 2 of clubs

“Ace on the river,” Michaeli quotes Barry Greenstein, the dealer offers 7 of clubs

Matthew Newcombe – 106,000