Flight C – Pham Doubles Up Smith

Flight C – Level 18 . Ante 10k. Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 18.130

Two full levels and 30 total hands on the scoreboard clock, more than 90 minutes on a real clock, and the bubble continues in Flight C.

Trung Pham made an effort to pop the bubble by calling the 61,000 all-in from Milton Smith, yet Pham would need to come from behind.

  • 9 of clubs 8 of hearts for Pham, who has 215,000 behind
  • Ace of spades Queen of hearts for Smith

The 5 of clubs Ace of hearts 10 of clubs flop gives Pham a wee bit of a view to a backdoor straight, but the turn 3 of diamonds ends all efforts and SMith doubles.

Now, friends both in and out of the poker room, does Flight C make the money before Flight D does? D is 20 eliminations away.