Flight C – Mircetic Doubles on Hand 54

Flight C – Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 18.130

On the 54th bubble hand, Nikola Mircetic moves in for 2bb and draws calls from JB O’Daniel and Jason Bullock.

The dealer fans 9 of hearts 8 of spades 10 of hearts and O’Daniel bets 10,000, prompting Bullock to shows his hand to his neighbor before folding.

  • Ace of spades 8 of clubs for O’Daniel
  • 7 of spades 7 of diamonds for Mircetic

The turnQueen of hearts changes nothing, the river 6 of hearts changes a lot, for Mircetic survives and the 55th bubble-hand proceeds.