Flight B – Burchfield Doubles Through Xiong

Flight B Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 20.97

After a series of preflop bets, only flight chipleader Ying Xiong and the omnipresent Kris Burchfield go to the flop late in Level 13.

Xiong opens for 15,000 on the dealer fan of 5 of diamonds Queen of clubs 7 of diamonds, Burchfield 3-bets to 40,000 and Xiong comes along.

Turn is 3 of spades, Burchfield announces all-in for 98,000 and Xiong calls, then verbally grimaces.

  • Burchfield shows Ace of diamonds Queen of diamonds for TopTop and the nut flush draw
  • Xiong shows Mom and Dad, aka King of clubs Queen of hearts, drawing to 3 outs.

The river 2 of clubs is not one of Xiong’s outs and Burchfield doubles.

  • Kris Burchfield – 325,000