Eric Chang Catches Cord Garcia Bluffing; Kris Burchfield Out in 27th

Level 26 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Entries 26.1879

A heads-up pot brews between Cord Garcia in the hijack and Eric Chang in the cutoff, bringing a flop of Queen of hearts8 of hearts3 of spades. Garcia checks to Chang, who bets 250k, and Garcia check-raises to 650k. Chang calls.

The turn is the Ace of clubs and both players check, bringing the Ace of spades on the river. Garcia thinks for a bit and bets 1.1 million. Chang confirms the amount and wastes no time calling, causing Garcia to shoot his cards straight to the muck.

Chang exchanges his face-down cards for the pot and chips up to 6.95 million, while Garcia now has 2.515 million.

Moments later, Kris Burchfield is eliminated in 27th place, bringing the field down to 26.