Flight I – Wyatt Eliminates Moyer

Level 10 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . 169.410

Kelly Wyatt limps, Dien Le completes, then Michael Moyer moves in for 24,500 from the bb. Wyatt confirms, then completes the bet, while Le steps aside.

  • King of diamonds Jack of hearts for Moyer
  • Ace of hearts 3 of hearts for Wyatt

The dealer fans 10 of diamonds 2 of hearts 10 of spades, different backdoor straight draw for both players. the turn 9 of diamonds gives Moyer a gutter to a Queen and all his paint in live.

Barry Greenstein sends Moyer out of Flight I, he has until 9:15 pm to purchase an entry in this tournament’s final starting flight.