Dustin Schoonover – 8th Place – $34,400

Dustin Schoonover – 8th place, – $34,400

Level 30 . Ante 150k . Blinds 75k.150k . Entries 7.1879

Dustin Schoonover moves all in preflop for 1.9 million and draws no callers, picking up the blinds and antes. A few hands later, Eric Chang opens for 300,000, Jason Bullock 3-bets to 750,000, then Schoonover moves in for 2.1 million.

Chang steps aside, Bullock asks for a count, and calls

  • King of diamonds Jack of diamonds for Schoonover
  • Ace of hearts  Queen of hearts for Bullock

The runout goes 7 of clubs King of spades 8 of spades 2 of diamonds 10 of diamonds and Schoonover is eliminated

  • Dustin Schoonover – 8th place – $34,400
  • Jason Bullock – 20,400,000