Detina Doubles

Level 8 . Ante . 1k . Blinds 500.1k . Entries 152

Truong Huynh jams preflop to push four players off a hand, and he’s back in action the next hand, calling from the sb a 2,500 preflop UTG bet from Kenneth Detina, with Michael Crow also coming along.

The flop goes 5 of spades 3 of diamonds Jack of spades, Detina makes it 3,000, Huynh check-raises to 10,000, Crow check-folds and Detina pauses, then calls.

Turn is 9 of spades to complete a potential flush, Huynh jams and Detina flips out a chip to call with nearly-identical stacks.

  • Huynh holds Jack of clubs visible but does not expose his second card for a bit of time, slowroll-peeling back 10 of spades for top pair and a flush draw
  • Detina quickly shows Queen of spadesQueen of clubs for a bigger pair and a better flush draw

River 2 of clubs and the stacks count down.

Detina is at 51,400, Huynh is at about 1,800 shy and the stack ships across.