David Coker Doubles Thru Angel Castro Pinto

Level 25 . Ante 50k . Blinds 25k.50k . Entries 29.1879

The board reads Jack of hearts9 of hearts8 of diamondsAce of clubs with a small pile already in the middle and heads-up action between Angel Castro Pinto in the big blind and David Coker, who is under the gun.

Castro Pinto has checked and is facing a bet, which he check-jams for Coker’s effective 640,000. Coker calls.

Coker: Jack of spadesJack of clubs
Castro Pinto: 9 of spades8 of clubs

Castro Pinto’s bottom two pair is dead against Coker’s set of jacks, and the 2 of clubs falls on the river to confirm Coker’s double.

David Coker – 1,675,000
Angel Castro Pinto – 675,000