Dang, Curry Runs Into a Boat

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 241

Hieu Dang opens for 1,500, drawing calls from Adrian Curry and Chris Meza.

The dealer fans 10 of clubs 9 of diamonds Jack of clubs, and the trio decline their collective betting options. Turn 4 of spades and Dang goes 3,500, with Curry coming along and Meza departing.

River is 10 of spades, pairing the board. Dang bets 7,500 and Curry wastes little time before calling.

Dang shows 4 of clubs 4 of hearts, the dealer announces Fours full of Tens and Curry chuckles in amazement as he ships chips to Dang.

  • Hieu Dang – 75,000
  • Adrian Curry – 19,500