Cord Garcia – 2nd Place – $180,040

Cord Garcia – Seat 5 – 20,470,000

Level 33 . Ante 300k . Blinds 125k.300k . Entries 1.1879

Truong Huynh makes a set of fours and takes 10 million off Cord Garcia, who misses a flush draw, and chips up to 64 million.

Huynh open-jams on the button and Garcia calls for his last 8 million.

Garcia:Ace of clubs7 of clubs
Huynh: Ace of diamonds10 of hearts

The board runs out Queen of hearts5 of clubs3 of diamonds2 of clubs6 of diamonds — Garcia turns a flush draw, but the river bricks and Huynh’s ten kicker remains best to win the pot and eliminate Garcia, who becomes the runner-up of the inaugural 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series – $1,500,000 Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

Cord Garcia – 2nd Place – $180,040