Christopher Laieta – 7th Place – $43,540

Christopher Laieta – 7th Place – $43,540

Level 30 . Ante 150k . Blinds 75k.150k . Entries 6.1879

Cord Garcia opens to 400k ;utg and Christopher Laieta three-bet shoves for 2.8 million in the hijack. Eduardo Cuaderes re-jams for 7.2 million on the button and everybody else folds.

Laieta: Ace of heartsQueen of hearts
Cuaderes: 8 of clubs8 of diamonds

The board runs out Ace of spades6 of clubs4 of diamondsJack of spades8 of spades — Laieta hits his ace on the flop and looks poised to win the coin flip and double, only for a two-outer on the river to spell the end of his tournament run in seventh place.

Eduardo Cuaderes – 10,600,000
Christopher Laieta – 7th Place – $43,540