Chris Akin Eliminated in 11th Place ($19,790)

Christopher Akin

Level 29 . Ante 60k . Blinds 60k.120k . Entries 10.1879

Cord Garcia chips up to above 12 million without showdowns after an orbit where he takes down every pot. He then opens to 330k in the hijack and Chris Akin defends his big blind.

The flop comes Jack of diamonds4 of diamonds3 of clubs and Akin checks to Garcia, who continuation-bets 420,000. Akin check-raises to 1.1 million and Garcia thinks for a bit before putting in a three-bet to 2.6 million. Akin goes back into the tank, thinking about what to do with his stack of 7.66 million.

“All in,” says Akin, causing Garcia to turn over a flopped set with 4 of hearts4 of clubs before slamming a stack of chips onto the felt in victorious fashion. Akin shows Jack of spades9 of diamonds and needs to hit running cards to stay alive, which he cannot do as a 7 of hearts turn and King of diamonds river finish the runout in the biggest pot of the tournament so far.

Akin’s elimination earns him $19,790 and brings us down to 10 players, just one elimination from calling it for the night. Play continues on two five-handed tables with no hand-for-hand play: the next two places each earn $25,870, meaning there’s no pay jump between 10th and 9th places.

Cord Garcia – 20,985,000