Chips Exchanging Hands

Level 24 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 35.1879

Kris Burchfield doubles with pocket kings versus the jack-ten of Balaji Ellur on a jack-high board. Ellur loses a little more shortly thereafter.

Burchfield then doubles again through Truong Huynh before Nguyen and Huynh play for stacks on a T-4-2-4 board.

Ellur has pocket twos for a full house, deuces full of fours, and Huynh has the 10 of hearts4 of hearts. The case four comes on the river, causing the table to erupt, and Ellur is eliminated from the tournament.

Huynh now has 4.4 million. Burchfield has 4.2 million.