Bijan Rashidi Out in 32nd

Level 25 . Ante 50k . Blinds 25k.50k . Entries 31.1879

Three players go to a flop of 10 of hearts2 of spades2 of clubs and two checks ensue from Eric Chang, under the gun, and Julian Gaines in the cutoff. Bijan Rashidi goes all in for 355k and both players call, setting up a possible side pot.

The turn is the King of spades and Chang bets 350,000. Gaines folds, showing the 10 of spades as he does.

Rashidi: Ace of hearts3 of hearts
Chang: King of heartsKing of diamonds

Rashidi is dead by the time the cards are on their backs after Chang turns a full house. The Ace of spades completes the runout, not the prettiest card in the deck this time for Rashidi, and he wishes the table a good game before making his way to the payouts.

Eric Chang – 3,550,000
Julian Gaines – 2,500,000
Bijan Rashidi – Eliminated in 32nd Place ($6,410)