Balaji Ellur “Can’t Miss”

Level 24 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 43.1879

Balaji Ellur raises to 80k UTG+1 and Charles Draughon three-bet shoves for 400k in the cutoff. Ellur calls when action gets back to him.

Draughon: King of spadesKing of hearts
Ellur: 9 of hearts9 of spades

The board runs out Queen of spadesJack of clubs9 of diamondsAce of hearts7 of hearts — the flop gives Ellur a set, leaving Draughon in need of hitting a ten or king to stay alive. He fails to do so and is eliminated in 44th place.

“I told you,” said Draughon to tablemate Truong Huynh. “He can’t miss.”

“Sorry buddy,” responds Huynh.

Ellur now has 3.8 million, and he’s not the only player at his table with a stack. Huynh has 3.1 million and is another one of the largest stacks in the room.