Flight I – Baik’s Aces Baked

Level 15. Ante 5k . Blinds 3k.5k . Entries 73.410

One hand after four-flushing Chan Pelton out of Flight I, Daniel Baik minclicks the 11,000 preflop bet from James Gonzales, and Gonzales adds 11k move to cover the raise.

Gonzales moves all in for 62,500 on the 10 of clubs 8 of hearts 5 of clubs flop, Baik calling rapidly.

  • Ace of clubs 8 of clubs for Gonzales for a flush draw and an over.
  • Ace of hearts Ace of diamonds for Baik

Maik remains ahead on the Queen of spades turn, but the river King of clubs is a winner for Gonzales.

Gonzales moves to 185,000, Baik backs up to 265,000