Angel Castro Pinto Eliminates Nathan Hays in 78th

Level 21 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 77.1879

Sean Lee opens to 40,000 in the lojack and Nathan Hays three-bet shoves for 435,000 in the hijack. Angel Castro Pinto (pictured) jams over the top for a bit over a million from the cutoff and everyone else gets out of the way.

Hays: Queen of diamonds10 of diamonds
Castro Pinto: Ace of heartsKing of spades

The runout comes 8 of spades6 of hearts4 of diamonds7 of clubs4 of clubs and Castro Pinto’s ace remains the difference in the hand. He takes down the pot and jumps to 1.625 million while Hays bows out in 78th place.