Alexander Finds the Chop Call

Flight A Level 14 . Ante 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 19,.99

One hand after betting big preflop from the bb to snag an uncontested pot, Jafar Kamarei opens preflop from the sb for a 500-chip shy of 4x and DJ Alexander pauses for a bit before calling from the bb.

Both players check the King of diamonds 2 of spades 2 of hearts flop, Kamarei goes 10,000 on the 5 of hearts turn with Alexander check-calling.

River is 9 of diamonds and Kamarei makes it 18,000 to go.

Alexander pauses, contemplates, and calls.

  • Kamarei shows Ace of diamonds 7 of hearts for Ace-high
  • Alexander chuckles as he shows Ace of clubs 4 of clubs for the chop and the players rake back their own bets to add to their stacks of 177,000 for Alexander, 108.000 for Kamarei.