Jael Lewis Wins “Lucky Setup Spot”

Level 24 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 33.1879

There’s a massive pot brewing on Table 9 between Jael Lewis in the hijack and Mo Arani, who’s on the button. The board reads Ace of clubs8 of hearts2 of spades10 of spades7 of hearts and Lewis is all in for 1.875 and Arani announces a call.

Lewis shows 8 of clubs8 of diamonds for a set of eights, and it beats Arani’s Ace of spades10 of clubs, top two pair.

A tablemate wishes her a nice hand, and she thanks the player, adding that it was a “lucky setup spot” for her to be on the right side of.

Lewis wins another small one afterward and vaults to 5.25 million. Arani falls to 770k.