One Away in Flight B

Level 17 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 9.88

Dillon Kilgore moves all in for about 100,000 on the completed board of 4s . 8c . Th .6h . 8d and Christopher Bello calls.

Kilgore shows Ah . 7h for a busted flush draw, Bello’s Ac . 4c is TwoPairGood to bust the bubble, sending 11 into the money in Flight B of the Title Event.

Jessica Richards is out quickly in 11th, earning a cash of $1,600.

DJ Alexander finds the rail a few hands later, also earning a $1,600 cash.

The players move to one table of nine, one $2,00 cash payouts away from the end-of-play.