Title Event Flight D: Richard Alati Busts One

$800 NLHE PokerAtlas Tour Title Event
Flight D
$300,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 11: 1,500/2,500 with a 2,500 ante
Remaining Players: 68 of 244

Richard Alati

Calderon Sanchez was all in holding pocket queens from the big blind, but they ran right into the pockets aces of Richard Alati on the cutoff.

The final board read Ace of diamonds6 of hearts5 of hearts7 of hearts10 of hearts, and not only did Alati improve to a set, he made a flush as well. Sanchez was eliminated from the tournament, and Aatia stacked up 285,500 after the hand.

Rochard Alati – 285,000 (114 bb)
Calderon Sanchez – Eliminated