Title Event Day 2: Jeremy Becker Eliminated in 16th Place

$800 NLHE PokerAtlas Tour Title Event
Day 2
$300,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 22: 15,000/25,000 with a 25,000 ante
Remaining Players: 18 of 459

Jeremy Becker just saw his tournament run come to an end at the PokerAtlas Tour stop at Resorts World. He opened to 50,000 under the gun, Thanh Duong raised to 145,000 from the hijack, and Becker shipped it with A-K in the hole. Duong called to cover him with pocket queens and then it was off to the races. The board ran out Jack of hearts6 of spades3 of clubs2 of spades4 of hearts, and Becker was eliminated in 16th place for a payday of $3,830. Duong held 3.22 million after the hand.

Thanh Duong – 3,220,000 (128 bb)
Jeremy Becker – Eliminated in 16th Place ($3,830)