Title Event Day 2: David Jackson Eliminated in 10th Place

$800 NLHE PokerAtlas Tour Title Event
Day 2
$300,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 25: 25,000/50,000 with a 50,000 ante
Remaining Players: 9 of 459

David Jackson got all in for less than four blinds holding A-2, and David Wade had him more than covered holding 7-3.

Two more sevens fell on the board to give Wade the pot, and he stacked up close to 7 million after the hand. Jackson was out in 10th place for a $5,410 payday.

Action was paused after the hand so the final nine players could draw for new seats at the final table.

David Wade – 6,800,000 (136 bb)
David Jackson – Eliminated in 10th Place ($5,410)