Title Event Day 2: Brian Battisone Eliminated in 25th Place

$800 NLHE PokerAtlas Tour Title Event
Day 2
$300,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 20: 10,000/15,000 with a 15,000 ante
Remaining Players: 24 of 459

Brian Battistone got all in short with King of diamondsQueen of hearts in the hole from middle position, but he ran into the Ace of spadesQueen of clubs held by Danny Chen in late position.

The final board read Jack of clubs7 of spades4 of diamonds9 of diamonds9 of clubs, and Battistone was eliminated in 25th place for a payday of $2,230. Chen was up to 1.59 million after the hand.

Danny Chen – 1,590,000 (106 bb)