Mystery Bounty Flight D: Brandon Hirokawa Takes Out Another

$400 NLHE Mystery Bounty
Flight D
$150,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 14: 3,000/6,000 with a 6,000 ante
Remaining Players: 12 of 57

Martin Byrne got all in preflop super short with 6 of spades5 of clubs in the hole from the button, and Brandon Hirokawa had him covered holding Ace of diamonds5 of hearts from the big blind.

The final board read Jack of hearts9 of hearts3 of clubsKing of clubs5 of spades, and Byrne was eliminated from the tournament. Hirokawa stacked up 125,000 after collecting the pot.

Brandon Hirokawa – 125,000 (20 bb)
Martin Byrne – Eliminated