Mystery Bounty Flight C: Frank Caravas Takes One Out

$400 NLHE Mystery Bounty
Flight C
$150,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 4: 300/500 with a 500 ante
Entries: 67

Frank Caravas

Cade Lautenbacher moved all in with King of spadesQueen of spades in the hole from the big blind with about 30,000 in the pot and the board reading King of hearts7 of hearts2 of diamonds4 of spades2 of hearts. Frank Caravas called to cover him holding 5 of spades3 of hearts from the small blind for a straight, and Lautenbacher was eliminated from the tournament before quickly re-entering. Caravas was up to 77,600 after the hand.

Frank Caravas – 77,600 (155 bb)
Cade Lautenbacher – Eliminated