Mystery Bounty Flight B: Tywon Petty Eliminated by Steve Merwin

$400 NLHE Mystery Bounty
Flight B
$150,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 10: 1,500/3,000 with a 3,000 ante
Remaining Players: 17 of 61

Tywon Petty was all in preflop short with pocket tens from the cutoff, and Steve Merwin had him covered holding Ace of clubsKing of clubs on the small blind.

The final board read King of diamonds9 of diamonds4 of spades2 of clubsJack of spades, and Petty was eliminated from the tournament. Merwin stacked up 181,500 after collecting the pot.

Steve Merwin – 181,500 (60 bb)
Tywon Petty – Eliminated