Mystery Bounty Day 2: Ronnie Lamb Takes Out Two

$400 NLHE Mystery Bounty
Day 2
$150,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 18: 6,000/12,000 with a 12,000 ante
Remaining Players: 27 of 564

Ronnie Lamb

Jacques Davidson got all in preflop from late position for 255,000 with Ace of clubs9 of hearts, Yang Li reraised all in for 395,000 holding pocket fives on the small blind, and Ronnie Lamb called to cover them both after he woke up with pocket kings.

The board ran out Queen of clubs6 of clubs3 of clubs10 of diamondsJack of diamonds, and Davidson was eliminated in 27th place ($860), while Li took 28th place ($750). Lamb stacked up just over a million after the dust settled.

Ronnie Lamb – 1,050,000 (87 bb)
Yang Li – Eliminated in 27th Place ($860)
Jacques Davidson – Eliminated in 28th Place ($750)