Mystery Bounty Day 2: Prasad Vemulapally Eliminated in Eighth Place ($3,400)

$400 NLHE Mystery Bounty
Day 2
$150,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 25: 40,000/80,000 with a 80,000 ante
Remaining Players: 7 of 564

Daniel McBrien

Prasad Vemulapally was all in super short with 10 of hearts8 of hearts from the big blind, and Daniel McBrien Ace of spades9 of clubs had him covered from the button.

The final board read 9 of spades8 of diamonds4 of diamondsAce of diamonds2 of clubs, and Vemulapally was out in eighth place for a payday of $3,400. McBrien stacked up 3.8 million after collecting the pot.

Daniel McBrien – 3,800,000 (47 bb)
Prasad Vemulapally – Eliminated in Eighth Place ($3,400)