Mystery Bounty Day 2: Daniel McBrien Eliminated in Fourth Place ($7,930)

$400 NLHE Mystery Bounty
Day 2
$150,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 23: 25,000/50,000 with a 50,000 ante
Remaining Players: 3 of 564

Daniel McBrien

The flop read King of diamonds3 of diamonds3 of clubs when Daniel McBrien got all in with King of spades10 of clubs in the hole, and Cole Ferraro reraised all in over the top of him holding Ace of spades3 of spades.

Joseph Koreski got out of the way from the big blind, and the turn and river followed 8 of spades9 of diamonds. McBrien was eliminated in fourth place for a payday of $7,930, and Ferraro was up to 7.48 million.

Cole Ferraro – 7,480,000 (149 bb)
Daniel McBrien – Eliminated in Fourth Place ($7,930)