Mystery Bounty: Cole Ferraro Eliminated in Third Place ($11,560)

$400 NLHE Mystery Bounty
Day 2
$150,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 28: 75,000/150,000 with a 150,000 ante
Remaining Players: 2 of 564

Cole Ferraro

Cole Ferraro was all in with Ace of diamondsAce of hearts in the hole from the button, and Joseph Koreski had him covered holding Jack of diamondsJack of clubs on the big blind.

The final board read Queen of diamonds9 of hearts8 of spadesJack of hearts2 of spades, and Ferraro was sent to the rail in third place for a payday of $11,560. Koreski spiked the set to take 11.02 million into the heads-up final against Doyoon Hyun (5.9 million).

Jioseph Koreski – 11,020,000 (73 bb)
Cole Ferraro – Eliminated in Third Place ($11,560)