Flight J In the Money – Jordan Richard Bubbles

Justin Custer

Level 16. Ante 10k. Blinds 5k/10k. Entries 236. Players Remaining 30.

All players in Flight J are now officially in the money and guaranteed at least $740.

14 of the remaining players will bag up at the end of the flight and advance to Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

The money bubble burst when Jordan Richard shoved all in from the small blind for 150,000, and Justin Custer (pictured below) quickly called in the big blind.

Richard needed some help holding Jc6c against Custer’s KcQd.

“I picked the wrong time,” Richard said as the KhJd8h flop came out.

Unfortunately for Richard, the 10h turn and Qs river did not improve his hand, and he was eliminated in 31st place, with 30 players paid.

While it’s never fun to bubble a tournament, Richard’s name will be added to a drawing where TWO people get a free seat into the $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event on Labor Day Weekend.