Flight H – Jalal Shamroukh Doubles Up

Level 9 . Ante 1,200. Blinds 600.1200 . Entries 75/150

Jason Fitzpatrick raises to 3,000 in the lojack and Jalal Shamroukh three-bets all in for 21,100. Derek Normand is in the small blind and puts in a four-bet that quickly results in Fitzpatrick folding 7 of spades7 of clubs face up.

As for the other two, they’re off to the races with Shamroukh’s 10 of diamonds10 of clubs ahead of Normand’s Ace of spadesKing of spades.

The flop comes Queen of diamonds7 of hearts6 of clubs, causing remarks about Fitzpatrick’s fold after he would have flopped a set. Just like that, the turn comes the 10 of spades to give Shamroukh a set of his own. Shamroukh only needs to fade Normand’s four outs to Broadway, and a jack is nowhere to be found as the 5 of diamonds completes the runout.

Derek Normand – 209,500
Jason Fitzpatrick – 102,500
Jalal Shamroukh – 47,400