Flight E: Oscar King Doubles Up

$500 NLHE Madness Kickoff
Flight E
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 9: 1,000/1,500 with a 1,500 ante
Remaining Players: 58 of 183

Oscar King got all in with Ace of hearts3 of spades in the hole from the button with the flop reading Ace of spades9 of clubs7 of spades, and Shawn Murray called to cover him holding Ace of clubs2 of clubs from the small blind.

The turn and river fell 7 of hearts10 of spades, and King doubled up to survive with 30,500 after collecting the pot. Murray was at 110,000 after the dust settled.

Oscar King – 30,500 (20 bb)
Shawn Murray – 110,000 (73 bb)