Flight E: Gregory Tate Doubles Up

$500 NLHE Madness Kickoff
Flight E
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 4: 300/500 with a 500 ante
Entries: 118

Gregory Tate got all in short with Ace of spades2 of diamonds in the hole from the cutoff, and Todd Golden had him covered holding Ace of diamonds9 of diamonds from the button.

The board was dealt King of spadesJack of spades7 of clubsAce of hearts2 of clubs, and Tate spiked a deuce on the river to survive with 8,500 after the hand. Golden was at 37,000 when the dust settled.

Gregory Tate – 8,500 (17 bb)
Todd Golden – 37,000 (74 bb)