Flight B: Georg Jancev Doubles Through Shawn Murray And Then Takes Him Out

$500 NLHE Madness Kickoff
Flight B
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 12: 2,000/4,000 with a 4,000 ante
Remaining Players: 4 of 37

Georg “The Double-Fisting Canadian” Jancev (pictured above) got all in with pocket nines in the hole, and Shawn Murray had him just covered holding Queen of spades10 of spades. The board ran out Ace of clubs5 of hearts2 of hearts8 of heartsKing of clubs, and Jancev doubled up to survive with 217,000. Murray was down to just 15,000 after the hand.

Murray got those chips all in on the very next hand, and Jancev was the one to call and cover him. Murray had his tournament hopes pegged on King of spades7 of spades, and Jancev held Queen of hearts10 of clubs. The final board read 10 of diamonds8 of spades2 of clubs7 of clubs2 of spades, and Murray was eliminated from the tournament in fifth place for a payday of $750. Jancev was up to 236,000 after the hand.

Georg Jancev – 236,000 (59 bb)
Shawn Murray – Eliminated in Fifth Place ($750)