Flight B: Georg Jancev Doubles Through Jed Halliday

$500 NLHE Madness Kickoff
Flight B
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 14: 3,000/6,000 with a 6,000 ante
Remaining Players: 4 of 37

Georg Jancev raised to 14,000 preflop from the button, Jonathan Dimmig called on the small blind, and Jed Halliday also called on the big blind. The flop was dealt Queen of spadesJack of clubs10 of hearts, Halliday bet 30,000, Jancev called, and Dimmig check-folded.

The turn fell 4 of clubs, and Halliday moved all in.  Jancev called all in for 152,000 with 9 of clubs8 of diamonds in the hole, and Halliday had him covered holding Queen of hearts9 of hearts on the button. The river delivered the 6 of spades, and Jancev doubled up to survive with 384,000 thanks to the flopped straight. Halliday was down to 55,000 after the hand.

Georg Jancev – 384,000 (64 bb)
Jed Halliday – 55,000 (9 bb)