Flight A: Jay Fredricksen Eliminated In Three-Way All In

$500 NLHE Madness Kickoff
Flight A
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 16:  5,000/10,000 with a 10,000 ante
Remaining Players: 7 of 68

Jay Fredricksen was all in with pocket Jacks, and both Joseph Guarino (pictured above – pocket kings) and Miguel Alvarez Chinchilla (Queen of diamonds9 of clubs) had him covered.

The board ran out King of diamonds9 of hearts6 of diamonds8 of clubs5 of diamonds, and Fredricksen was eliminated in eighth place for a payday of $750. Chinchilla held 270,000 after the hand, and Guarino more than doubled up with 354,000.

Joseph Guarino – 354,000 (35 bb)
Miguel Alvarez Chinchilla – 270,000 ( 27bb)
Jay Fredricksen – Eliminated in Eighth Place ($750)