Flight A: Andre Kim Doubles Through Brian Battistone

$500 NLHE Madness Kickoff
Flight A
$200,000 Guaranteed | Structure
Level 13:  3,000/5,000 with a 5,000 ante
Remaining Players: 12 of 68

Andre Kim raised to 22,000 preflop, and Brian Battistone reraised to 42,000 right behind him. Kim moved all in for 190,000, and Battistone called to cover him. The two players then tabled their cards.

Kim: Ace of clubsAce of diamonds
Battistone: Queen of heartsQueen of clubs

Board: 8 of diamonds8 of clubs5 of clubs6 of spades3 of spades

Kim won the hand to double up with 395,000 after the hand, while Battistone was down to 43,000.

Andre Kim – 395,000 (79 bb)
Brian Battistone – 43,000 (8 bb)