Event 5: Dennis Axel Eliminated in Third Place ($3,640)

$400 Omaha 8OB
Level 26: 40,000/80,000 blinds with 80,000/160,000 limits
Remaining Players: 2 of 92

After an extended three-handed battle with multiple chops and doubles, Dennis Axel was forced to get all in super short preflop with Jack of spades10 of clubs5 of diamondsQueen of diamonds in the hole from the button.

Both Adam Lieberman on the small blind, and Rudolf Schwartz on the big blind called to cover him before they checked down a board dealt Queen of spades10 of spades9 of diamonds6 of diamonds before Lieberman bet 160,000. Schwartz called before the river delivered the 10 of hearts.

Schwartz led for 160,000 this time around, and Lieberman thought for a moment before folding.

Schwartz revealed King of hearts8 of clubs7 of clubs5 of spades to win the hand, and Axel was eliminated in third place for a payday worth $3,640 in prize money. Schwartz held 1,285,000 after the hand before the start of heads-up play against Lieberman and his stack of 1.04 million.

Rudolf Schwartz – 1,285,000 (16 bb)
Adam Lieberman – 1,040,000 (13 bb)
Dennis Axel – Eliminated in Third Place ($3,640)