
#7 – NLH Survivor

Las Colinas

Tue, Aug 22

Buy-in: $500

Guarantee: $25,000

1 Day
Tue, Aug 22 1:00pm

Event #7 – NLH Survivor End of Registration Chip Counts and Payouts

Level 9. Ante 2k. Blinds 1k/2k.

Registration is now closed in today’s PokerAtlas Tour Event #7 No-Limit Hold-em Survivor $500 buy in that takes place at TCH Las Colinas. The clock reads 94 entries .

1 in appoximately 9.5 players will be in the money and receive $4,000 for surviving.

When 25%, 20%, and 15% of the field remain, the tournament chip leader will be removed from play and
awarded their $4,000 payout.

The remaining 6 players will play for $4,000 and the 7th place will play for $3,480.

So the payouts are as follows:

Chipleader at 25% – $4,000
Chipleader at 20% – $4,000
Chipleader at 15% – $4,000
1st – 6th – $4,000
7th – $3,480

Click the link below for all players’ chip counts and eliminations as of ssecond break.

Event 7 Break 2 – Chip Counts

Event #7 – NLH Survivor Begins at 1 pm

Level 1. Ante 200. Blinds 100/200.

Today’s PokerAtlas Tour Event #7 is a No-Limit Hold-em Survivor $500 buy in that takes place at TCH Las Colinas. This event features a $25,000 guarantee.

Given the survivor nature of this tournament, rather than play down to a winner, 1 in appoximately 9.5 players will be in the money and receive $4,000 for surviving.

When 25%, 20%, and 15% of the field remain, the tournament chip leader will be removed from play and
awarded their $4,000 payout. Remaining players will play for the remaining $4,000 payouts.

Registration remains open until the start of Level 9 (3:30 pm).

Event 7 Break 1 – Chip Counts

Photos will be published on the day of the event.

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