
#2 – Giant Stack NLH w/ Bomb Pots


Sun, Aug 20

Buy-in: $500

Guarantee: $50,000

1 Day
Sun, Aug 20 12:00pm

Final Four Close Out Giant Stack Bomb Pot

The final four participants in Event 2 of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series – $50,000 Guaranteed $500 Giant Stack with level-opening Bomb Pots – agree to a near-even chop to bring the event to its conclusion.

Chipleader David Shaw takes a small portion more than the rest as the tournament winner, cashing for $8,390.

Please take a look at the Results tab to see the Official Order of Finish.

130 for Giant Bomb Pot

Level 9 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 130

Registration is closed in Event 2 of our PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series – $50,000 Guaranteed $500 Giant Stack with Bomb Pots to start each level – and the PokerAtlas scoreboard shows 130 entries.

The players create a prize pool valued at $54,600, paying the final 19 players. The winner is scheduled to receive the top prize of $13,500.

Here’s all of today’s scheduled payouts.

  • 1 – $13,500
  • 2 – $9,000
  • 3 – $6,380
  • 4 – $4,620
  • 5 – $3,430
  • 6 – $2,610
  • 7 – $2,030
  • 8 – $1,620
  • 9-10 – $1,330
  • 11-12 – $1,140
  • 13-14 – $1,110
  • 15-16 – $920
  • 17-19 – $870

— Dan Ross – Poker Live Updates

A Bomb Pot Per Level Today

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200

Welcome to Event 2 in the inaugural PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series, and do we have a FUN one for you today.

There’s $50,000 Guaranteed for a $500 entry in the Giant Stack with Bomb Pots per level.

Players open with giant 50,000 stacks and compete at 30-minute levels, with registration and the unlimited-entry period available until 4:30 pm when Level 9 begins. 1-in-8 entries earns a tournament cash.

But what’s a Bomb Pot, you ask, and how does THAT fit here??

Bomb Pots take place where EVERY player puts in a designated ante and EVERYONE goes to the flop before betting begins. That’s right, if there’s 9 at your table, all 9 put out an ante, the dealer pitches cards to all 9, puts out the flop and THEN betting starts, so 8 of diamonds3 of clubs  may be better than Ace of spadesAce of clubs if the flop is 8 of spades8 of clubs3 of hearts

Bomb Pots – for this tournament – happen to start every Level, the ante is equal to the small blind.

Have fun, y’all.


Event 2_Giant Stack_Level 12_Chip Counts


Winner – David Shaw

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