Cards In The Air – Early Morning Doubles

Jesus Perez

Level 17 . Ante 12k. Blinds 6k / 12k. Entries: 2,952 . Players Remaining: 164

Cards are in the air for Day 2 and the action is already pretty hot!

The first level has been good to three players who received a double right out the gate.

Double #1 – Jesus Perez

Jesus Perez was in all in holding 10 of clubs10 of diamonds and was called by Christopher Akin holding Ace of clubsJack of clubs.

The board ran out 4 of hearts4 of spades9 of spades2 of hearts6 of diamonds giving Jesus a full double. As the pot was pushed his way Perez looked over to Akin and said, “I’m not here to min-cash.”

Perez – 290,000
Akin – 1,195,000

Double #2 – Jordan Richard

After an early position open from Anwesh Baisyat, Jordan Richard moved all in for around 500,000, and Baisyat called.

Richard was behind holding Ace of spadesJack of clubs against Baisyat’s Ace of clubsQueen of hearts. The flop came nine high, but theJJack of hearts on the turn gave Richard a pair to take the lead. The 3 of clubs on the river maintained that lead securing Richard a double up.

Jordan Richard – 600,000
Anwesh Baisyat – 451,000

Double #3 – Genc Govori

Alison Jeffrey raised to 30 from the hijack, and Genc Govori made it 130,000 on the button leaving himself only 20,000 behind. It folded back to Jeffrey who quickly called and the cards were tabled.

Govori – King of clubsJack of clubs
Jeffrey – Ace of diamondsQueen of clubs

The board ran out 6 of hearts5 of spades4 of clubs9 of clubs7 of clubs, giveing Govori a flush on the river to double up.

Genc Govori – 330,000
Alison Jeffrey – 430,000