Flight I – Gaines Eliminates Carrizales

Level 12 . Ante 2500 . Blinds 1500.2500 . Entries 108.410

Julian Gaines limps UTG, David Carrizales and David Register also limp, Jeffrey Meuangkhot completes and Dennis Krusch checks his option.

The dealer fans Ace of clubs 5 of clubs 5 of diamonds, Gaines opens for 7,000, Carrizales moves in for 22,500, and all but Gaines snap-fold.

Gaines, however, gives a short pause, then commits a small portion of his stack.

  • 7 of spades 7 of clubs for Gaines for two pair
  • Ace of hearts 4 of clubs for Carrizales for a better two pair.

The turn is 2 of clubsCarrizales can improve to a wheel, Gaines drawing to a better flush draw and sevens.

River 8 of clubs completes the flush and the elimination, Gaines moving to 265,500.